Hotel Sick Leave Policy |
"It has been brought to our attention that the attendance record of some of the staff at our hotel is deplorable. Do not forget that you are employed by the grace of God and the munificence of each property's management. The following sick leave rules will go into effect immediately and your cooperation is expected."
Sickness-No excuse. We will no longer accept a doctor's statement that you are/were ill. If you can get to the doctor you can get to work.
Death (other than your own)-No excuse. There is nothing you can do for the deceased and we are sure someone else can attend to the arrangements. However, if the funeral is to be held in the late afternoon we will let you off one hour early provided you have arranged for someone to cover for you.
Surgery (optional/required)-No excuse. You were hires in your entirety. Having parts removed lessens your value to us and you will be replaced by someone more wholesome.
Death (your own)-This is an acceptable excuse for missing work provided that if it occurs while you are on duty, that you fall down. We have seen too many instances of staff dying on the job, but in such a manner that it was hard to tell they were truly deceased or just moving at normal speed. Also, we now require two weeks' notice so you can train your replacement.
Days Off-You must remember that the hotel never closes, therefore keep the following in mind when requesting and extra day off:
"There are 365 days per year available to work. Of those 52 weeks you already have two off, leaving 261 days to work. Since you spend 16 hours a day away from work you have used up 170 days which leaves 91 available. You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break which amounts to another 23 days, leaving only 68 days available. With one hour for lunch you use up another 46 days leaving only 22 available to work. If you take 2 sick days off we are down to only 20 days a year in which to benefit from the fruits of your labor. Add in 5 holidays and 14 vacation days and you are down to one day of work per year. Damned if you can have that off!"
(Courtesy of Mark Young with Horizon Hotels and Alden K Williams author of "..oops I thought this room was vacant")