Top Signs You've Gotten A Bad Hotel Room |
9> The guy at the front desk stares at your chest and asks if you could "sleep facing the clown painting."
8> They don't take American Express, but will consider stereos, VCR's or jewelry.
7> At check-in, the clerk informs you that all of the "Non-Infested" rooms are taken.
6> "Room service" is nothing more than a can of Spam and a bottle of Ripple in a brown paper bag.
5> "Marv Albert wuz here" chewed into headboard.
4> Room service answers, "This better be good, Jerry Springer's on."
3> A second look at the sign out front reveals you're at "Howard's Johnson."
2> Sign out front says, "WELCOME, NAMBLA CONVENTION"
and the number 1 Sign You've Gotten a Bad Hotel Room...
1> "Indian Graveyard Inn" even *sounds* like a bad idea.
(Courtesy of